8:27 AM

Restaurant Empire II

Posted by GAMES

Restaurant Empire II
Control the kind of cuisine the restaurant serves (American, French, or Italian), what specific food they serve, and their staff. They have to keep guests happy and make money at the same time. With two handfuls of cash and a dream of creating a legacy you will build, cook and hire your way to the very top of the culinary world, where tasty food is king and smart management reels in the dollars. If you're skilled enough in the kitchen and behind the management desk, you just may go further than any aspiring restaurateur before you and cement your status as a true legend of cuisine.With two handfuls of cash and a dream of creating a legacy you will build, cook and hire your way to the very top of the culinary world, where tasty food is king and smart management reels in the dollars. If you’re skilled enough in the kitchen and behind the management desk, you just may go further than any aspiring restaurateur before you and cement your status as a true legend of cuisine.

here are the links


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